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Essential Unix Commands

Essential Unix commands, every developer should keep handy. Download pdf version from here

To find hardware details of linux box: 

dmesg |less

To find linux version: 

cat /proc/version

To find cpu info: 

cat /proc/cpuinfo

To unzip gzip file: 

gunzip something.tar.gz

To untar tar file: 

tar xvf something.tar

To unzip and untar in one step: 

tar xvzf something.tar.gz

To install a software from rpm: 

rpm -iv myapp_someversion.rpm

To edit your bash shell environment 

edit ~/.bashrc file

To set the java and ant class path add the following lines in your bashrc file at home directory with appropriate java and ant directories:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_09
export ANT_HOME=/home/oracle/apache-ant-1.7.0
export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${ANT_HOME}/bin
export CLASSPATH=./:${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar:${JAVA_HOME}/lib/rt.jar:${ANT_HOME}/lib/ant.jar

To list all the background running oracle process in the system: 

ps -ef|grep "ora_"|grep -v grep

To give a short name to big command: 

alias listoraprocess="ps -ef|grep "ora_"|grep -v grep"

To kill all oracle process: 

ps -ef|grep "ora_"|grep -v grep|grep $ORACLE_SID|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9

To list all files in current directory: 

find . -print

To search for string "error" in all files in current directory: 

find . -print|xargs grep -i error

To print time of execution for the bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
curtime=`date +"%s"`
#Your bash script statements here
echo "Time of execution is `expr $(date +'%s') - $curtime` seconds"

To reboot linux in 10 minutes with broadcast message: 

shutdown -h +10 "scheduled maintenance"

To find number of logged users: 

who | wc -l

To check the type of a command: 

type cd , type who

To echo System variables: 


To print shell's environment variables: 

env or printenv

To set command line editing using vi: 

set -o vi

To execute the last command which was executed begining with p: !p

To execute a command as background job use &: 

ls -al &

To list all pending jobs: 


To create softlink (shortcut, deleting shoftlink doesn't delete original file): 

ln -s myfile softlink

To create hardlink (deleting hardlink deletes original file):

ln -s myfile softlink

To find where the link is pointing to: 

ls -l linkname

To simply view files use one of these commands:
cat - View files in their entirety
less - View files one page at a time
head - View the first lines of a file
tail - View the last lines of a file
nl - View files with their lines numbered

To continuously tail a log file: 

tail -f mylog.log

To update timestamp of a file ot create a empty file: 

touch filename

To change the default editor set the following environment variables

To count number of byte words and lines in a file: 

wc filename

To count only number of lines in a file: 

wc -l filename

To list important attributes of a file like size device access : 

stat filename

To print size of files: 

du file1 file2

To print all filenames begining with myfile: 

find / -type f -name myfile* -print

To print all directories begining from current: 

find . -type d -print

To print lines containg myword in a file myfile: 

grep myword myfile

To print lines which doesn't contain myword in myfile: 

grep -v myword myfile

To display only unique lines in sorted order from a file: 

sort myfile | uniq

To count duplicate lines: 

sort myfile | uniq -c

To display command out and also write into a file simultaneously use tee command: 

who | tee who_output | sort

To print 2nd and 4th word in each line in myfile: 

awk '{print $2, $4}' myfile

To print all lines shorter than 50 characters in myfile: 

awk '{length($0) < 50}' myfile 

To print contents of myfile with all occurance or red converted to blue: 
sed 's/red/blue/g' myfile 

To print contents of myfile skipping lines 2 to 5:
sed '2,3d' myfile 

To substitute all occurance of NAME with Kris and AGE with 31 in myfile: 
m4 -DNAME=Kris -DAGE=31 myfile 

To find size, used space, and free space on all disk partition: 
df -h

To find size, used space, and free space current directory: 

df . 

To compare two directories recursively: 
diff -r dir1 dir2 

To compare two file ignoring case: 
diff -i file1 file2 

To compare tabular sorted file skipping 2nd column : 
comm -2 file1 file2 

To point out the first diffrence in similar files: 
cmp file1 file2 

To print 32 byte checksum, useful to check downloaded files: md5sum file1 

To print name of the terminal device associated with the current shell: 

To format output display string: 
printf "User %s is %d years old.\n" kris 31 

To enter "y" to a interactive shell program by default: 
yes | my_interactive_command 

To print current year business calendar with day number: 
cal -y -m 

To print current year business calendar with sequential numbers instead of date: 
cat -y -m -j 

To print epoch seconds: 
date - %s 

To print last modified timestamp of a file: 
date -r myfile 

To print Hello every 10 seconds: 
sleep 10 && echo 'Hello'

To check which files are newly added to current directory ever 20 seconds: 
watch -n 20 ls -l 

To view your own process: 
ps -ux 

To view process started by user1: 
ps -U user1 

To view all occurance of a program name prg: 
ps -C prg 

To view all process in screen width with full command line: 
ps -efww 

To view all process in screen width with threads: 
ps -efH 

To find how long the system is running since last boot: 

To display current process of all logged users: 

To monitor most active processes with full command line: 
top -c [press q to exit from top] 

To graphical display of system load (similar to task manager in windows) : 

To display memory usage in megabyte: 
free -mt [free -t for kilobytes] 

To run system intensive process with controlled priority 7: 
nice -7 jobname jobargs > outfile [10 is default]
To change the priority of a process id 1834 previously executed with nice: 
nice -5 -p 1834

To change the priority of a process previously executed by user usr1 with nice: 

nice -5 -u usr1

To find details about user environment like login id, last login etc: 


To find current login name :
whoami : 

To find details about user, if su is used to switch user

To find details about last login details

To see current environment details

To find details about your computer: 

uname -a

To print your host name: 


To print details of computer's default network interfaces: 


To display details of computer's all network interfaces: 

ifconfig -a

To display details of a hostname from internet directory: 


To print network path from your machine to a host: 


To copy myfile from current machine to othermachine using id otherid: 

scp myfile
To copy otherfile from other machine with id other id to current machine: 
scp .
To download a file from internet: 

To display useful prompt for oracle box, add the following in .profile or .bashrc file


To display memory segments: 


To display all cpu status: 

mpstat -P ALL

To display cpu utilization every 5 seconds, 5 times: 

sar -u 5 5

To run sar command non interactively to check later: 

nohup sar -o output.file 12 8 >/dev/null 2>&1 &

To deplay highest CPU utilizing process and user: 

ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -5

To display i/o status every 5 seconds 5 times: 

iostat -xtc 5 5

To display virtual memory status every 5 seconds: 

vmstat 5

To find files larger than 10KB: 

find . -size +10240 –print

To create patch :

diff -Naur prestinedir modifieddir > patchfile

To apply patch :
cd prestine directory

patch -p1 < patch file path 

Vi editor tips: 

To delete all occurance of DEBUG. 
ESC :%s/* DEBUG //g 

To delete all occurance of "DEBUG ".

ESC :%s/* DEBUG //g 

To delete everything between <> including <> in line numbers 1 to 8. 
ESC :1,8s/<[^>]*>//g

To substitute all occurences of foo on the current line with bar. 
ESC :.s/foo/bar/g 

To subsitute all matches of the word foo in the file with bar. Ignore case in searches. 

ESC :%s/foo/bar/gi

To subsitute all matches of the microsoft with the linux. 

ESC :%s;microsoft/;linux;g 

To delete all occurance of 

ESC :%s/* DEBUG //g 

To delete everything between [] INCLUDIN brackets :

ESC :%s/\[[^\]]*\]//g

To delete everything between <> including angular brackets in line numbers 1 TO 8 :

ESC : 1,8s/<[^>]*>//g

To Substitute all occurences of foo on the current line with bar :

ESC :.s/foo/bar/g 

To Subsitute all matches of the word foo in the file with bar. Ignore case in searches. 
ESC :%s/foo/bar/gi 

To Subsitute all matches of the word foo in the file with bar. Ignore case in searches.

ESC : %s/foo/bar/gi

To Subsitute all matches of the URL with the URL 

ESC :%s;;;g

Some essential super user commands
To add user smith : 

useradd -d /home/smith -s /bin/bash -g users smith

To delete user smith: 

userdel smith

To change user home directory: 

usermod -d /u01/smith smith

To change smith password: 

passwd smith
To change name and other finger details of smith: 

chfn smith

To change shell for smith: 

chsh smith

To switch to super user with directory change to /root: 

su -l or su -

To switch to super user with current shell and current directory: 


To print group information of smith: 

groups smith

To add new group: 

groupadd -f newgroup

To delete group: 

groupdel group1

To change group name: 

groupmod -n newgroupname oldgroupname

To set hostname: hostname

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